Welcome to Nat Global Travels! This blog is my passion-project for sharing my love of exploring this planet with travelers just like you. If you are anything like me, you probably feel the most alive when galivanting across the globe! Or maybe, you are most comfortable settling down in a place you can call home with vacations sprinkled throughout the year.
Regardless of where you may land on that spectrum – I can relate! Since I maintain a 9-5 job – that I truly love – my travels can be limited to certain durations and seasons throughout the year. And you will quickly learn that my travels range anywhere from a short weekend trip to a coastal city to solo backpacking across multiple countries!
To tell you a bit more about me, I started traveling at a very young age and fell in love with experiencing new cultures, foods, and languages. Growing up in the United States made traveling to other countries difficult at times, but I still pursued every opportunity to explore beyond my state and continental borders.
Over the last ten years, I have leveraged every opportunity to explore this beautiful planet. I have applied for scholarships to travel abroad, visited exchange students from school when they moved back to their home countries, built trips solely around cheap flight deals I’ve found, and joined group trips with strangers from all over the world!
Meaning, there are plenty of opportunities to see the world without breaking the bank!
My passion for traveling has led me to 18 countries across all 7 continents!
When I took my first solo trip outside of the United States, to say I was scared would be an understatement. It had always been on my bucket list to explore a new country on my own. However, traveling solo just never seemed like much fun without having someone to experience new adventures with (oh, how wrong I was!).
What I quickly realized after arriving in that new country was that I immensely enjoyed the thrill of navigating my way across the globe all on my own! Traveling solo means that you can choose what YOU want to do and just DO IT, whenever you want. I had opened my mind and heart to simply living in the moment and that mindset shift changed my life.
Traveling solo also boosted my confidence, made me more willing to make friends (wherever I was), and proved to myself that the only thing stopping me from accomplishing my dream of seeing the world was myself. Don’t let the fear of going alone stop you from doing what you’ve always wanted to do!
Fast forward to today, I now provide my fellow travelers with my favorite travel product recommendations, destinations, travel tips and more. And if you’ve found yourself on my blog, I am thrilled to have the opportunity to share my love for traveling with you, too!
“Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.”
– André Gide
I hope you enjoy my blog and if you have any questions or comments, please – contact me by submitting a request through the contact page.

Thank you for taking the time to explore my page! Your support is appreciated more than you can imagine!
With love,